G P Wallace 016
Red Angus EPD/Pedigree • 1361942
Calved 3/18/2010 - RAAA 1361942
LJC Lancer 806 LJC Mission Statement P27 LJC Hannah 106 |
Beckton Lancer T A664 LJC HB Lizzie 606 Holden HI HO 753 LJC KJ Jamie 516 |
LCC Field Day A614N G P Faith 803 LSF Faith LA416 |
BFCK Cherokee CNYN 4912 LCC Princess LA099 Glacier Marias 548 LSF On Target H1386 |
Herd-Builder | Grid Master | CED | BW | WW | YW | MILK | ME | HPG | CEM | STAY | MARB | REA | FAT |
118 | 51 | 2 | -2.2 | 72 | 110 | 26 | 11 | 11 | -3 | 14 | .33 | .76 | 0.01 |
BW: 79 • WW: 950 • Ratio: 100 • YW: 1516 • Ratio: 100
Yearling Scrotal: 39 cm • Yearling Frame: 5.4
% IMF: 4.33 • REA: 15.86
GP Wallace 016 is extremely thick, deep made and voluminous, along with a very gentle nature. He has the ultimate in curve bending potential. When running an EPD search of all non-parent bulls in the data base with less than 1 for BW and more than 50 for WW, 100 for YW, 20 for Milk, .20 for MARB, and .70 for REA Wallace is the only bull with this criteria. GP Wallace 016 ranks in the top 1% for WW, YW, TM, CW and REA. He is also in the top 6% for HPG and the Top 15% for MARB. Wallace truly excels as one of the most profit oriented prospects available today. Co-owned with Bieber Red Angus Ranch, Leola, SD