Goodrich Place Inc.

Goodrich Place

Angus • Red Angus • Quarter Horses
A Performance Tradition


Motocross has been a shared passion by the Goodrich family since 1972 when Mark purchased his first bike. Little did we know that this endeavor would start a three-generation dedication. This sport brings together the family as we share many joyful hours on our motocross track. It also inspires us to travel together to other tracks and races sharing and promoting our Angus cattle throughout the motocross world. We call ourselves “the Kawboys” as it reflects our cowboy lifestyle and ethics along with our Kawasaki motorcycles.

Mark and Claudine Goodrich
Cattle and Operation Managers
(651) 775-3746, Mark’s cell
(651) 491-8752, Claudine’s cell
(715) 263-2453, Farm

Mark & Claudia

Goodrich Place
3032 210th Avenue
Emerald, Wisconsin 54013

Christine Forsblade
Cattle Specialist
(715) 607-1776, cell

Melinda Goodrich
Equine Specialist
(715) 781-3207, cell

Jesse Goodrich
Construction / Maintenance Specialist
(651) 245-9813, cell

Family photo